- Current Openings #20 – The Epoch Mystery
- The Self-Appraisal Practice – Resilient Self-Authoring
- Resilience and the Crisis of Belief
- The Universalis Project #15: Pathways to Universal Life
- Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 6: A Soul-Quickening Odyssey
- Conscience – A Threefold Soul Guidance
- The Transfiguration Archetype with Brendan Graham Dempsey
- Evolving Together #6: The Shared Intentions of Life
- The Universalis Project #14: Decoding the Current of the Epoch
- The Sevenfold Epoch – The Five Stories
- The Five Stories of the Epoch
- The Universalis Project #13: The 7-fold Epoch Progression
- From Dogfighting to Integrated Living
- Expressions of Religious Living
- Religion and the Esoteric w/ Brendan Graham Dempsey
- The Universalis Project #12 – At the New Acropolis Frontiers
- Portals Into the Soul – Chapter 5: The Soul Courting the Brain
- Evolution, Consciousness, and the New Truth with Steve McIntosh
- Finding Freedom Through Breathing – IHOW #4
- Portals Into the Soul, Event Part 2: The Three Lives of the Soul
- Listening as Healing
- Current Openings #19: Spiritualize the Universe – 20 Core Premises
- The Goddess Arising
- Evolving Together #5 – The Spiritualization Process
- portals-into-the-soul-chapter-2-event-parts-b-c
- The Three Lives of the Soul, Portals Into the Soul Event Part 2
- Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 2 – Event (a): The Language of the Soul
- god-an-evolving-revelation-with-brendan-graham-dempsey
- God: An Evolving Revelation with Brendan Graham Dempsey
- The Homo Universalis Project #11 – The Two Struggles
- Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 4: A Growing Space for the Soul
- The Teacher’s Journey with Sarah McCrum
- Activating the Inner Conclave
- This Epochal Moment
- Inner Conclave Consciousness
- Finding the Light – A Meditation
- The Homo Universalis Project #10 – Why the World is Breaking Down
- The Homo Universalis Project #9 – Deepening in Evolutionary Mysteries
- Current Openings #17 – Burning Questions
- Internal Human Orchestra Work (Ihow) #3 – Integrating Contraction And Expansion
- Internal Human Orchestra Work (Ihow) #2 – How Does Movement Enhance Balance And Flow?
- Internal Human Orchestra Work (IHOW) #1 – Locating The Three Octaves
- Portals Into The Soul Chapter 3 Symphonic Sevenfold Soul Work
- Normalizing The Extraordinary In The Metamodern God Lab With Layman Pascal And Brendan Graham Dempsey
- Journeying To Source With Grace Boda Jeff Vander Clute
- 8 Patterns Of Transformation With Jose Leal
- The Homo Universalis Project #8 – Partnering With The Universe
- Partnering With The Universe – A Universalis Project Update
- Soul Intuitions, Event Part 1 – Feeling Your Thoughts
- Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 2: The Ghost – A Compensatory Act of the Soul
- The Homo Universalis Project #7 – The Epoch Story Portal Two Content
- Current Openings #18 – The Open-Heart Conversation
- The Teacher’s Journey, the Guru Trap, and the Golden Shadow
- The Guru Trap and the Golden Shadow
- What is Healing #3 – Opening to Healing
- Evolving Together #4 – The Human Radio Set
- Our Soul Odyssey
- The Homo Universalis Project #6 – A Seven-Fold Evolutionary Process Portal Two Content
- Current Openings #15 – The Four Development Zones
- Portals Into the Soul, Chapter 1: The Soul – A Threefold Orchestration
- The Homo Universalis Project #5 – The Evolution of Knowledge Portal Two Content
- A Conversation with Layman Pascal, Part 2 – Pursuing Integral Wisdom
- Portals Into the Soul – Preamble
- Introducing Portals Into the Soul
- A New Epoch Beckoning
- The Human Assembly Quest
- The Ghost and The Inner Conclave
- The Post-Guru Quest and the Three Lives Event
- An End of An Era And-a Post Guru World
- Current Openings #14-what Does It Mean To Develop
- The Homo Universalis Project #4 Space-Making And loom work Application Portal Two Content
- What is Healing #2 – A New Togethering
- Evolving Together #3 – Choosing Our Families
- A Conversation with Layman Pascal, Part 1 – Protecting the Sacred
- Current Openings #13 – How Can We Help the Future?
- The Home Universalis Project #3 - The Art of Inquiry Portal Two Content
- Current Openings #12 - Why Develop Yourself?
- The Development Edge #1- The Art of Being Together
- Evolving Together #2 - What Holds Us Back?
- The Home Universalis Project #2 - The Epoch Conundrum Portal Two Content
- The Next Renaissance, Part 2: Seeding Cultural Change
- The Next Renaissance, Part 1: The Art Of Metamorphosis
- Current Openings #11 - The Application Conundrum
- A Conversation With Dr. Keith Witt, Part 2: How To Love And Evolve
- A Conversation With Dr. Keith Witt, Part 1: Trauma To Transcendence
- The Universalis Project - Evolving Together
- Evolving Together #1 - Why Evolve Together?
- The Home Universalis Project #1 - The Origin StoryPortal Two Content
- The Tethered-Self Practice
- Meditative Support for the Young: A Practice
- Mastering Polarities Extra, Part Two: The 12 Moves Portal One Content
- A Contemplative Co-creating Practice Portal One Content
- Going Beyond Every Teaching
- In Search of Wholeness
- The Five Selves
- What is Healing?
- Mastering Polarities Extra, Part 1: The Occult of Polarization Portal One Content
- The Cosmology Of The Portals Inquiry
- Insurrection Of Belief
- How Purpose Evolves
- Current Openings Event, Part 1: The Polarity Problem & The Integration Move
- Current Openings Event, Part 2: The Third Vector
- Current Openings Event, Part 3: Releasing Polarities Moves
- A Community Of Leaders
- Current Openings Event (Excerpt): The Polarity Problem & The Integration Move
- The Self-Instruction Pivot Practice Portal One Content
- The Healing Miracle
- Finding Support In Two Gravities: A Practice Portal One Content
- The 1000 Faces Of Homo Universalis
- Rebel Wisdom and The Trauma Myth
- A Community of Leaders
- The Mind Of The Universe: Diamonds From Heaven
- The Current Openings Series
- Current Openings: What The World Doesn’t Quite Get Yet – Esoteric Truth
- Current Openings #2: What The World Doesn’t Quite Get Yet – The Natural Laws
- Current Openings #3: The Promissory Grace
- Current Openings #4: The Brain/body Conundrum
- Current Openings #5: The Addiction Trap
- Current Openings #6: The Human Predicament And The Planetary Program
- Current Openings #7: The Knowledge Problem
- Current Openings #8: The Energy Problem
- Current Openings #9: The Emotion Problem
- Current Openings #10: The Einstein Brief
- The Three Journeys: Where Are You?
- Generating An Essence: A Practice
- Polarity Tuning Practices, Part 2Portal One Content
- Polarity Tuning Practices, Part 1 Portal One Content
- The Portals Backstory: How We Got Here, and Where We’re Heading
- How To Be A Friend
- Companionship – A Song
- Current Openings #6: The Human Predicament And The Planetary Program
- The New Intentional Communities
- Entrepreneurs As Problem Solvers
- The Emergence of Belonging
- Can You Be Authentic?
- The Power In Slowing Down: A Practice Portal One Content
- Dancing In The Flow
- Next Gen Leadership
- From Resonance To Emergence
- Music Muse Contemplation
- Activism Through Living
- The Essence Of Attunement: A PracticePortal One Content
- Could Armageddon Be An Inner-geddon?
- The Ring Of Valiance Portal One Content
- Lucid Dreams And The Language Of The Unconscious Portal Three Content
- The Future Of Education
- The Purpose Tethered Life
- All Things Connected: A Conversation With Dr. Julie Krull, Part One
- Fractured Grace: A Conversation With Dr. Julie Krull, Part Two
- The Renaissance in LeadershipPortal One Content
- The Way We Flow
- The Futurist Journey: How To Thrive In The Future
- Entering The Higher
- Co-Creating Humanity's Future: Foray Three
- The Healing Journey: A Neurobiological Shamanic Psychotherapy
- Imagine 2045: A Conversation with Society 2045
- Bridging an Arch to Creativity and Cooperation
- Homo Universalis Activates: Becoming a Whole Person
- The Art and Science of Transformational Experiences
- Music: An Exploratory Space
- A Metamodern Solarpunk Regenerative Vision
- The Co-Creative Power of Life
- Falling Upwards: A Healing Journey
- The Epochal Progression Mountain
- The Epochal Progression Mountain, Part One: The Superorganism of Humanity
- The Epochal Progression Mountain, Part Two: The Assignment
- The Epochal Progression Mountain, Part Three: Blue Zones of Development
- The Epochal Progression Mountain, Part Four: Evolutionary PracticesPortal Two Content
- The Epochal Progression Mountain, Part Five: The TransitionPortal Two Content
- Co-Creating Humanity's Future, Foray Two
- Leading Into Emergence
- The Human as an Essence Carrier
- Leading Systemic Change
- Toward a Life Well Lived
- A New World Emerging
- Leadership as an Agency of Assistance and Easement
- Life Speaking – a Song
- The Poetry of Transformation
- The Poetry of Transformation, Part 1: Saying the Unsayable
- The Poetry of Transformation, Part 2: The Wonder of Science and the Longing of Art
- The Poetry of Transformation, Part 3: Showing Up at the Window
- The Poetry of Transformation, Part 4: The Capacity to Soar
- The Poetry of Transformation, Part 5: The Threshold of Who We Are Becoming
- We Live Inside a Story We Create
- Co-Creating Humanity’s Future
- Co-Creating Humanity’s Future, Foray One: Permission to Imagine
- Co-Creating Humanity’s Future, Segment 2: Being In the Question Portal One Content
- Co-Creating Humanity’s Future, Segment 3: The Paradox Mindset Portal One Content
- Co-Creating Humanity’s Future, Segment 4: Voices Into Tomorrow Portal One Content
- Art As An Evolving Conversation
- The Epoch Culmination
- The Epoch Culmination, Part 1: A Spectrum of Progression
- The Epoch Culmination, Part 2: The Green Trace Portal Three Content
- The Epoch Culmination, Part 3: The Green Update Portal Three Content
- The Epoch Culmination, Part 4: A Code of Conduct Portal Three Content
- The Epoch Culmination, Part 5: A Chivalrous Response Portal Three Content
- Sensemaking for Life and Career
- The Nurturing Emergent Communities Event
- The Nurturing Emergent Communities Event: Introduction
- The Nurturing Emergent Communities Event, Part 2: Welcoming the Community Within Portal One Content
- The Nurturing Emergent Communities Event, Part 3: Orchestrating the Intelligence
- The Nurturing Emergent Communities Event, Part 4: Gathering Wisdom Portal One Content
- The Human as a Weaver of Part
- The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 1. A Connector of Possibilities
- The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 2. Tool Makers
- The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 3. A New Whole
- The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 4. A Context of Understanding
- The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 5. A Sense of Play
- The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 6. Becoming Human
- The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
- Life Stages Continued
- Life Stages Continued, Part 1: Unfolding Possibility
- Life Stages Continued, Part 2: A Second Self Portal Two Content
- Life Stages Continued, Part 3: Accelerating Growth Portal Two Content
- Life Stages Continued, Part 4: More to Become Portal Two Content
- Life Stages Continued, Part 5: A New Space Portal Two Content
- A Study of Balance
- A Study of Balance, Part 1: Stillness and Movement
- A Study of Balance, Part 2: Energy Flow
- A Study of Balance, Part 3: Self-Esteem
- A Study of Balance, Part 4: Self-Tuning
- A Study of Balance, Part 5: A Place of Strength
- A Study of Balance, Part 6: The Three Lives
- A Study of Balance, Part 7: Integration and Versatility Portal One Content
- A Study of Balance, Part 8: Toward the Universal Portal One Content
- The Human as a Fountain of Encouragement and Hope
- Leading from the Unconscious
- Why Things Are the Way They Are
- Life Stages
- Chivalry in a Postmodern World
- Seven Levels of Love
- Seven Levels of Love: A Model of Agency
- Seven Levels of Love, 2: The Love Word
- Seven Levels of Love, 3: A Bulk Commodity
- Seven Levels of Love, 4: More to Discover
- Seven Levels of Love, 5: A Fortifying Love
- Seven Levels of Love, 6: Being Joined Portal One Content
- Seven Levels of Love, 7: The Ineffable Portal One Content
- Discover the Human Orchestra
- Ten Stages in Life
- The Hierarchy of Crisis Response
- Co-Creating Humanity’s Future: The Invitation
- Essence Music: The Emergence of a Collective Agency
- Inquiries into Humanity’s Future
- The Role of Touch
- The Power of Community
- Expand and Contract
- The Unfinished Self
- Witnessing Flow
- Emergent Language
- The Human as Spiritual Resource
- A Spiritualized Universe Portal One Content
- The Arc of History Portal One Content
- Shrinkage Moves Portal One Content
- Portals of Possibility
- The Greater Space
- Inquiry Practices
- Thriving Now with Jeff Vander Clute
- Zoomology Portal One Content
- Jeff Vander Clute at Findhorn
- Work in Progress
- The Teaching of Water Portal One Content
- Essence Music with Paul Stone
- A Functional Gathering Portal One Content
- Point of Access
- A Loom of Contemplation Portal One Content
- An Arena of Sharing
- The Potency of Words
- Portals of Perception – Why?
- The Promise of Regenerative Living