We’re continuing our conversation with personal coach and consultant Fionn Wright on the evolving approach to expressing leadership through the instinct or intuition – the ability to sense and discover what is appearing on the leading edge, or emerging in a time of accelerating change.
Historic patterns and methods no longer seem effective and new ideas continually evolve and unfold in unique ways over time; trying to create or capture new static maps is futile as a new reality continually emerges. We’re expanding the 20th-century debate about leadership beyond "nature vs. nurture" to include the growing awareness of the emergent in human endeavor.
Leadership becomes a fluid process or function, where in
different situations or circumstances the leadership role may shift through one participant to another. It’s also recognizing that at core we are all work-in-progress prototypes, humans developing to become better, more conscious, more involved, more enlightened, while expressing an inner drive to engage with the world and make a difference.
Often it's about going inside and asking that very simple, very cliche question: Who am I? And just ask that question again: Who am I? And realizing that, as we evolve, as we grow, as we develop, the answer to that question changes. And how do I bring my most natural, most organic, most beautiful self into the world? That's the direction that I talked about when I talked about leadership.