This conversation with Forrest Wilson follows a propelling inspiration for the Portals endeavor, which is to encourage the next generation of leaders, people who intuit the deeper change underway and are endeavoring to step into the transformation arena. New leaders are emerging in all core domains of life.
A powerful area of focus is developing the realms of emergent communities and the work of presence – being tethered to ourselves and consciously in touch and guided by our principles and values. We explore here ideas for shaping experiences and ecologies where people of diverse backgrounds can collaborate and work together in ways that heal and give birth to real transformation.
Along the way we discover aspects of the new operating system
that's emerging across the frontiers of science, the arts, business, health and wellbeing, and almost every field of human expression. We are indeed experiencing a new world that's trying to emerge through us as individuals and communities, where perhaps the cause and the calling of this time is to be engaged in this co-creative process.