The Current Openings Series

What are the unexplored possibilities inherent in our human design? Where exactly have we lost the way of living to the greater potential of being human? What is it that we humans do not quite get yet?

In the Current Openings Series Aviv Shahar and David Price Francis delve into the natural laws of energy, the workings of the unseen forces that, though invisible, still influence and shape our reality in a catalytic way - and they offer an update on how to develop and why development, both personal and collective, actually matters.

David Price Francis

Aviv-new-127 x 122

Aviv Shahar

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Recent Episodes

Current Openings #17 – Burning Questions

Current Openings #17 – Burning Questions

Imagine being able to connect with a level of potency, passion and energy that could help reveal even deeper intelligence and meaning to our most compelling “burning questions” — the inquiries and mysteries that drive and inspire us to search for answers. In several...

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Activating the Inner Conclave

Activating the Inner Conclave

A glance at the headlines today often brings a deep sense of sadness about the escalating violence in many parts of the world, along with an urgent inner inquiry: what can one person do to promote peace, both within themselves and the global community? Several Portals...

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Current Openings #16 – The Octave Leap Mystery

Current Openings #16 – The Octave Leap Mystery

How many of us remember having what some people call a “chrysalis” moment? An octave leap, with mind-opening perceptions, in real time. A powerful flow of energy, a quickening, triggered by a connection or breakthrough that can happen anywhere, at any time, and...

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