Just how important are self-esteem and our self-image in living a balanced life? Confidence, self-esteem and self-worth are part of our foundational awareness about the fact of being a human and being alive.
If we enter our self-esteem in the popularity game of bull and bear markets, for example, sometimes it will be more popular, sometimes it’ll be less; sometimes we’ll be more successful, sometimes less. If we ground our self-esteem and self-worth in that type of comparison and judgment, life appears to be a pretty chaotic roller coaster without any meaningful balance.
In building a balanced life, we can cultivate expanding insight and awareness about what takes us away from ourselves, such as trying to fit in, or conform to, someone else's expectations.
This series of conversations will weave a loom of considerations about a balanced life, and look at the inner awareness, technologies, and perceptions that can help us access and get back to a life of balance, harmony and growth during times of change and challenge.
We live in a society that pushes us all of the time to be very critical towards ourselves, and not so accepting, which has its positives because it may push us to grow in some respects. But it also has many negatives. We're constantly under pressure to fit some narratives that maybe we didn't generate for ourselves, or that we're not comfortable with. I think that each individual needs to develop some resilience - even to say to one thing: no.