There was, perhaps, a time when the only tool of healing was the human hand. And, to this very day, whenever we have an unfamiliar feeling in our body, the first thing we do is touch the area it is arising from and perform our simple, initial, diagnosis.
Today, however, we hear advertising touting the touchless world we live in, and our separation from one another has never been more foundational to the way we live. How did we get here? And, is this where we want to be, or is there a better way?
In this conversation, Jessica Wapner traces the arc of touch, as a healing modality, through the centuries, and how it has gradually been removed from our ever more standardized methods of healthcare - and then she gives us a peek into where we might go next.
Many people have the reference of the laying on of hands, and that is something that is as old as human life, from what I can tell, this notion that the hands carry something, that you can do things with your hands, you can offer something with your hands. And it's also diagnostic. You can read things, you can detect with your hands, as well.