In expanding the idea of art as an evolving conversation, we delve into some practices and approaches for keeping the creative pathways open and ready to respond when a finer impulse, or nudge, seeks expression. How does one “keep the pipes clean” – keep an open space – as a means of being ready to engage with whatever inspiration wants access?
To go with the flow of an artistic, inner conversation, and to stay with the impulse that is being sensed and responded to, can mean resisting to label or name the creative spark, while recognizing it’s the process that is being refined rather than any specific result.
In this conversation Aviv Shahar talks with Aud Wilken and Rita Lampen, two life-long artists, about their love of art, the source of
their inspiration, and what is possible through a deeper awareness and appreciation of the true nature of living art.
I think the whole aspect of being able to surprise oneself, and to look at the page of whatever came out and say, Well, that's curious. What is that? I think that affords a moment of space, right there. And then, of course, hopefully not rushing to answer it, but simply realizing that that's a new combination.