Benefits of this practice
- Connect to the Guardian of Life — the first level of the soul — brings new awareness, alertness and sharper senses. It gives us safety, balance, stability and security. The soul is forever guiding us out of danger
- Regather what is fragmented, fractured and no longer in harmony with the ease of flow and grace of being

Portals Practices are a wide array of activities and processes that can enhance well-being, inner balance and harmony. Practices help us integrate our inner lives and awareness and connect to our natural creative potential. We’re also tuning our lives to the greater intelligence, strength and support that is always available to us.
There are simple, practical steps and exercises we all can use to create a dynamic relationship with the most powerful guide and companion we could ever hope to have — the human soul.
In this conversation, part two of the first Portals Into the Soul event in March 2024, Aviv Shahar is joined by a group of international Portals friends who demonstrate the Internal Human Orchestra Work (IHOW). These exercises and techniques build the sensitivities to help us sense, feel and experience new inner pathways to the soul and its three characters. Part two builds upon part one, Soul Intuitions — Feeling Your Thoughts, and the emerging discovery journey Portals Into the Soul.
The IHOW teams leads us through exercises specifically tuned to each of three levels of the soul’s mission: to keep us safe, prod us toward learning and growth, and champion our higher universal purpose.
- 1: When you are ready, sit or stand in a place that you feel at ease in
- 2: Feel the weight, steady and balanced, in contact with the ground, the foundation that is provided
- 3: Follow the guidance of the recording, leading you through three different practices to reconnect with the different lives of your soul