Internal Human Orchestra Work (IHOW)

The IHOW Portals series of practices are designed to bring healing, balance and relief to the busy, noisy and sometimes stressful lives that many of us may feel at one time or another. Think of the series, Internal Human Orchestra Work (IHOW), as “tuning” our inner instruments — the energies, qualities and finer lives — that together produce the symphony a human life can be.


Aviv-new-127 x 122

Aviv Shahar

Rita Lampen

Beth Simpson

Eleni Makri

Portal practices are a wide array of activities and processes that can enhance well-being, inner balance, and harmony. Practices help us integrate our inner lives and awareness and connect to our natural creative potential.

Portals Practices are a wide array of activities and processes that can enhance well-being, inner balance, and harmony. Practices help us integrate our inner lives and awareness and connect to our natural creative potential.

There are simple, practical steps and exercises we all can use to create a dynamic relationship with the most powerful guide and companion we could ever hope to have — the human soul.

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Recent Episodes

The Universalis Project #15: Pathways to Universal Life

The Universalis Project #15: Pathways to Universal Life

Imagine a process that can bypass our dominant, loves-to-be-in-control brain and open a subtle energetic pathway to help us sense and feel the many dimensions of the Universalis human. A deeper contemplative process of feelings and intuition, not fixed mental...

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Conscience – A Threefold Soul Guidance

Conscience – A Threefold Soul Guidance

Do we think of our conscience only as a feeling of guilt when our behavior or attitudes seem somehow out of line with our inner sense of moral right and wrong? What if we imagine the conscience as something much deeper and more powerful? An active process that allows...

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The Transfiguration Archetype with Brendan Graham Dempsey

The Transfiguration Archetype with Brendan Graham Dempsey

If we’re seeking a feeling of illumination or deeper connection to the universal and divine, what clues and meaning can we find in perhaps the best-known story of transformation in western history — the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ? Does it reveal an esoteric path...

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Evolving Together #6: The Shared Intentions of Life

Evolving Together #6: The Shared Intentions of Life

Can we imagine that the simple act of coming together — the “togetherings” of ourselves with our inner lives, our friends, our communities — unlocks the intelligence that enables the “we” to become an integral part of our future and of the evolution of life? What if...

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