Portals Practices are a wide array of activities and processes that can enhance well-being, inner balance and harmony. Practices help us integrate our inner lives and awareness and connect to our natural creative potential. We’re also tuning our lives to the greater intelligence, strength and support that is always available to us.
This is the second in a new Portals series of practices designed to bring healing, balance and harmony to the busy, noisy and sometimes stressful lives that many of us may feel at one time or another.
Think of the series, Internal Human Orchestra Work (IHOW), as “tuning” our inner instruments — the energies, qualities and finer lives — that together produce the symphony a human life can be.
The practice evolves as a natural sequence to the first practice, around the question: how does movement enhance balance and flow between the different layers in the soul composition?
Please feel free to share with us the feelings and benefits you registered with this or other Portals Practices in the Comment Section below. This practice is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change.
Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
- 1: When you are ready, sit or stand in a place that you feel at ease in
- 2: Feel the weight, steady and balanced, in contact with the ground, the foundation that is provided
- 3: Focus on your breathing and appreciate the continuous flow of new air coming and going
- 4: Feel the part of you above the neck, around the head and imagine the mind
- 5: Follow the guidance of the recording, leading you through the different octaves
This practice allows us to find a way into the building blocks of the soul, be it through reading, visualizing, conversation, or doing. The game is: exploring. The rules are: relax into finding what works for you and practice. The harvest is: new discovery.