Living a truly mindful life requires a lot of practice, patience, and self-discovery. It’s not always easy to deny or defy the avalanche of influences that come at us demanding our immediate attention, especially in a time of significant global change.
But there are many small practices or behaviors that can help us each day express the art of mindful living, or bringing our full awareness and presence to any moment in our lives. Steps we can take to reaffirm our choice to be the author and co-creator of our own life and future.
This series of conversations will explore the practices, behaviors and perceptions that can support an endeavor to lead a life of intention and purpose, well-being and regeneration, in a time of global and universal change.

One of the things about change is, if it's going on all the time, then there is a charge upon my life to think about, on that trajectory, what thoughts am I going to have that I'm seeding for the future?