The art of mindful living – being fully present in our minds, hearts and consciousness at any moment – just may be more vital, and more challenging, in a time of rapid and unprecedented change. Yet how do we build and protect a safe inner space for the new and creative to appear in the face of a daily avalanche of digital, family and cultural impressions all clamoring for our immediate attention?
Why is it important to claim and renew our innate human right to be the author, the gardener, of our own life?
This series of conversations will explore the practices, behaviors and perceptions that can support an endeavor to lead a life of intention and purpose, well-being and regeneration, in a time of global and universal change.

We're sensing into the invisible, and the interior, because there’s a sense that what's happening in the world, the geopolitical, the economic, the cultural, all those tectonic major shifts on the world stage, are very important. But they're really an expression that is not separated from a more invisible interior change.