The encouragement in what everybody is saying is to find your unique, self-authored way. There isn't one way into self-authoring, there are endless ways into self-authoring; we each need to discover and fashion our way into this permission, this possibility, of being an agent of consciousness, an agent of mindfulness, an agency of witnessing a present life, such that life doesn't just happen to you, but you are happening inside that life.
And, in listening to everybody, there is the idea that the human has endless capacities. And perhaps the overarching capacity is the capacity to build capacities, whether you decide late in life to learn to play the piano, or pick up a new language, or whether we simply choose to embrace the capacity to be aware, and to be aware of awareness, the capacity to

regulate. That living at this time requires us to become effective self-regulators.
So, how do I choose to be in myself inside it? I can decide to self-correct and self-align, and, in that, there is the capacity to transform and reconfigure, which also includes the capacity to heal - to heal myself, to heal my pain, my wounds, and to help the healing in other people.
This series of conversations explores the practices, behaviors and perceptions that can support an endeavor to lead a life of intention and purpose, well-being and regeneration, in a time of global and universal change.
The fact that we do have a choice, the fact that we can ask ourselves what we actually want, because there is such a strong power in human will that if we manage to connect to what we actually want, I think that's one of the stabilities that can keep us safe in a storm. That's one place where we can anchor ourselves.