Inquiries into Humanity’s Future, Step 6: The Operating System

Aviv Shahar with Kyriaki Nikandrou, Avshalom Zack, and Peter Barry

June 3, 2021

Let me just say one more thing about this. So the big risk, the big challenge is that, Peter, for example, is saying, hold on a minute, why are we dealing with all these questions? These are all second principles. We must reassert, in the first place, a first principle inquiry, the purpose inquiry, or else we are lost because we are already untethered from the causing, shaping inquiry. 

The problem is, we don't even have a shared frame of reference anymore. And not only that, we no longer have an information and knowledge landscape that enables you to reason constructively.

What you have is entrenched positions. What you have is an ecosystem and a breakdown in the knowledge landscape, together with social media as the tool, and the culture, and the


the operating system of humans

ethics that unleashes people to the belief and the myth that what I feel is true, period. There is no other higher truth. If I feel angry right now, that's the major truth. If I make up stuff in my head, that becomes true, because there is no longer such a thing as fact. There is no longer such a thing as a verifiable fact, there is only socially-constructed fact. And that belief system, that truth and facts are socially constructed, means I can come up with anything, I can make stuff up and create my own bubble of truth.

And that's part of why we are facing even the challenge that we will need to address.

It really makes one wonder that we're still dealing with these issues. And where are the platforms? And I don't mean just the legal platforms, or the ethical platforms, but, really, why don't we intervene? Or, why are we not trained to say no, or to voice when we see something wrong happening to our colleague, or from our boss, or from a client?

Kyriaki Nikandrou

Kyriaki Nikandrou

Kyriaki Nikandrou

I am seeking to be in conversation with others in search for keys, for tools of understanding and application and for the real questions, the ones that become portals to contemplative journeys, leading to uncharted territories that feel like home.

I believe we are on a trajectory of multiple and unpredictable changes; it is up to each one of us to rise to the challenge of our times. Now, more than ever before, is the time to be true to ourselves and fulfill our potential.

Avshalom Zack

Avshalom Zack

Many years ago, I woke up to the mysteries and wonders of the gift of existence. Thus, the quest for its purpose, meaning and fulfillment became a central theme of my life.

Shared with fellow pilgrims in exploring the human potential, and with gratitude and care towards Mother Earth, the well being of her many dwellers and the future.

Peter Barry

Peter Barry

I don't think I can remember a time when I wasn't asking, Why am I here? Or wondering, What is the purpose of life? Seeking not so much to simply solve the mystery, but rather to find the settlement that comes from knowing one's place, and finding one's home, in this great unfolding.

Perhaps, then, one can become part of the living process, which sets one free to go out into the world and discover what is new, what is needed, and ask the question: How can I help?

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.