Peter: Yes, that was a great template and so much in it - I appreciate that. And I would just say the same thing in a different way. Because the phrase that came up in me, just as a general question, is, what is your question? Is there a question that everybody has, or has had, in their life?
And I often find, if I write a question down and then say, okay, why do I like that? And then I'll say, okay, well why is it important to me? Why did I think that was a good idea? What does that take me to? Where does that come from? So I keep asking questions about the question, to try and just kind of see where it leads, what it can uncover. And so maybe there's a kernel in there that can be found at a deeper depth.
And then I would say, okay, well, where do I see that in the arc of

my life? Has it been working unconsciously in all these choices I've made and places I've gone? Because I think if you can find those important questions - to your life - that you will see them arising in the way you've gone on and the places you've been, and the things you've done.
And then there's the confirmation of that, by the reality that you experience. So you've brought from a great depth of yourself to a level of consciousness something that really can be brought forward every day.
We are used to looking at the “great” people as the source of the solution. All the great men have gone, now it's your turn. It’s the personal responsibility and the capability of each human to be part of the change, to be an active part of the change. And that's why the permanent line inquiry, and the living issue, of each individual is so important into any successful process.