What we have tried to demonstrate here is a practice. The meta practice we're trying to demonstrate is the idea that if you're going to approach an inquiry, if you're going to approach a domain - if you're going to approach anything - a good mindset is not to assume that we may be able to climb Everest just from anywhere. We'd need to get to basecamp, we need to make sure we have with us the right provisions, we need to make sure that we’re fit.
In other words, we need to engage in a whole preparatory work to create the scaffolding to embark on a journey. And I propose that journeying with an inquiry is a bit like that. And we are still using the conversation today to substantiate that point, which is that you need to make the journey before you can make the

journey. You need to ask: what are the changes that need to take place before a change can happen? Or, we need to build the scaffolding before we can build the building.
One of the biggest questions is: what kind of changes are necessary to get a different result? It is quite a common understanding in the world these days that you cannot really change the world before you change the humans that live in this world, and behave in this world, and cause things to happen in this world - and start to do it in a different way. It would provide a totally different result.