It could be said that the event known as the Big Bang created the first dualities, between before and after, nothing and something, and energy and matter. And on this planet we see it everywhere: night and day, winter and summer, male and female, north and south, wet and dry, and, ultimately, life and death.
So, what do we know and understand about this law of the physical world we find ourselves in? And, if we had more conscious awareness about what it is telling us about life, and how it affects all forms and processes in life, would we be better able to navigate our way whilst we're here?
This is the territory that this first conversation opens into: polarities, dualities, and opposites - and what does the word "apparent" mean in this context?

Nothing would happen here if we didn't have this duality; that it actually is an instigator of movement and change. It's this duality that causes it. It's like an engine for change, and can allow evolution. But it can be a virtue, and it can be a liability, and I think that depends on us.

Aviv Shahar
Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

Liz Halter
At the same time there has been a fascination with the capabilities of the human and a knowing that we are capable of so much more.
It has been a lifelong quest for me to find how these two things come together in the way of a natural human.