Current Openings #10: The Einstein Brief
Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 1:47 The spirit of the journey9:21 The ‘teric’ sisters: exo-, meso-, eso-22:38 Seven paths into the esoteric39:11 What is the addiction trap? 58:59 Getting wired away from universal truth1:21:55 Help and assistance is always nearby...
Current Openings #7: The Knowledge Problem
Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 1:20 Only humans have a knowledge problem 13:37 Can consciousness be a gift and a curse? 30:52 Three steps removed from the search for truth 41:36 The dynamics of passion 50:00 What is the Google fallacy? 1:11:22 The heart knowledge...
Current Openings #6: The Human Predicament and the Planetary Program
Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 2:15 It takes a whole person to heal the ego 13:10 Technology: the thief that keeps on robbing 24:50 What is the reciprocal process of life? 39:22 Where is the leading edge of creation? 54:07 Addiction will hijack your system 59:00...