Can You Be Authentic?

Can You Be Authentic?

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 4:50 Suppressing the truth isn’t worth it 10:20 The Karate Kid and ‘conflict equals energy’ 24:42 How do we bend the rules and change the context? 36:05 The ‘her-story’ of invisible patterns and the spiritual impulse 51:48 The...
Current Openings #5: The Addiction Trap

Current Openings #5: The Addiction Trap

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 8:06 What guides the Current Openings journey? 21:28 The root of the addiction trap 32:25 The brain as tyrant activates addiction 45:05 Is mindfulness a way out of addiction? 1:05:40 The universe abhors emptiness 1:13:05...
Dancing in the Flow

Dancing in the Flow

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 1:50 What is flow? 13:05 Why do we need to warm up to flow? 20:00 The power of role playing 32:21 The place of radical honesty 45:08 Flow is the ultimate fundamental truth 59:08 What if you could speak for the flow? It’s familiar to...
From Resonance to Emergence

From Resonance to Emergence

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 5:56 Islands of coherence in a sea of chaos 14:35 What is the quantum leap now underway? 47:00 The power of letting go of resistance 54:50 Leaders need to move beyond their ‘solar system’ 1:01:51 What is the polarity communities...
Current Openings #4: The Brain/Body Conundrum

Current Openings #4: The Brain/Body Conundrum

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 3:54 The predicament and the promise 15:43 Freedom of choice is part of the disharmony 25:07 Do we even trust our ability to reason? 39:25 We are trapped by institutions of power 55:35 We have the ‘superpower’ to liberate the future...