Community Explorations

Each one of us has a personal journey that we make in life, which makes it even more special when we come together as a community to share that experience, exchange insights, and gather around an idea or subject that is meaningful to us — sometimes we don't know what we know until we tell others. Here we share some of the Portals community Zoom calls that have captured unique moments.

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Recent Episodes

This Epochal Moment, Event Part 1: Breakdown

This Epochal Moment, Event Part 1: Breakdown

Is it really a contradiction to think of the global chaos unfolding around us as both an overdue day of reckoning, and possibly the most hopeful, optimistic time we’ve seen in this century? Can humanity still retain the capacity for renewal and rebirth in such a time...

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Current Openings #20 – The Epoch Mystery

Current Openings #20 – The Epoch Mystery

A powerful way to envision our entry into this new phase of evolution and epochal shift is as a fusion process — a merging of the physical realm with a new universal potency that unlocks immense possibilities and profound renewal. Imagine it as an energetic Cambrian...

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The Self-Appraisal Practice – Resilient Self-Authoring

The Self-Appraisal Practice – Resilient Self-Authoring

  In our recent Portals writing "The Five Stories," we described Story Four as an endeavor to “become dialytic” — to intentionally metabolize and transmute the epochal story and help ease the transition underway. The profound intensification of the epoch process...

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Resilience and the Crisis of Belief

Resilience and the Crisis of Belief

One of the most powerful tools of personal transformation is also one of the most accessible: it’s the story we tell ourselves about who we are and the future we imagine. It’s a story we can update and recalibrate every day — no permission beyond ourselves required to...

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The Universalis Project #15: Pathways to Universal Life

The Universalis Project #15: Pathways to Universal Life

Imagine a process that can bypass our dominant, loves-to-be-in-control brain and open a subtle energetic pathway to help us sense and feel the many dimensions of the Universalis human. A deeper contemplative process of feelings and intuition, not fixed mental...

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