The Evolving Together Series

How do we grow and evolve together? What is our true co-creative potential? How can we help each other unlock unrealized dimensions of the self?  It takes a few seconds of watching the news to realize that we have not done very well as humanity in forming effective and sustainable collectives. Now, the need arises more urgently than ever before to partner together to solve the wicked problems we inflicted upon ourselves; to ensure there will be a future for our children and grandchildren.

In this Series, Aviv Shahar together with Well and Nigel Geeves, embark on exploring how we can evolve together, set each other free and overcome the collective ghosts and shadows of the past.

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Aviv Shahar


Nigel Geeves

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Recent Episodes

This Epochal Moment

This Epochal Moment

  Mighty, seemingly unbreakable civilizations rose and fell. Historians of all times and futurists try to trace the signs of decline and predict the end of an era. Can we predict the collapse of a civilization, just as Cassandra predicted the end of the Trojans...

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Inner Conclave Consciousness

Inner Conclave Consciousness

How can we access greater intelligence, wisdom, and power to face the often-scary challenges of these times? In the Inner Conclave Consciousness, Aviv Shahar and Jeff Vander Clute develop further the three process octaves they began to explore in part one of this...

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Finding the Light – A Meditation

Finding the Light – A Meditation

Finding the Light - from music to meditationBy Rob Eising There are moments in life where the experience of being part of something gets suddenly expanded or magnified, and we are caused to search for deeper meaning about the mysterious ways our lives can emerge or...

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Current Openings #17 – Burning Questions

Current Openings #17 – Burning Questions

Imagine being able to connect with a level of potency, passion and energy that could help reveal even deeper intelligence and meaning to our most compelling “burning questions” — the inquiries and mysteries that drive and inspire us to search for answers. In several...

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Activating the Inner Conclave

Activating the Inner Conclave

A glance at the headlines today often brings a deep sense of sadness about the escalating violence in many parts of the world, along with an urgent inner inquiry: what can one person do to promote peace, both within themselves and the global community? Several Portals...

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