What is Healing? Series

What is the nature of the healing process? How do we become agents of healing? What ways and practices can help liberate latent healing powers in all of us? 

Amidst cultural and environmental upheaval, there are natural and regenerative paths to ease anxiety, pain, and a sense of separation, and find healing — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In this series we explore these inquiries and the path into wholeness and healing.

Aviv-new-127 x 122

Aviv Shahar

Alexander Love

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Recent Episodes

Expressions of Religious Living

Expressions of Religious Living

What does it mean to live religiously? How do the premises and ways of living religiously evolve to embrace and embody new evolutionary possibility? How do people register and express perhaps the most intimate feelings a human can experience — the sensing of real...

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Religion and the Esoteric w/ Brendan Graham Dempsey

Religion and the Esoteric w/ Brendan Graham Dempsey

Is it possible to appreciate the life of Jesus Christ in a real way that embraces the universal message and mystery, but also finds harmony with a fundamental approach to logic and reason? Can an esoteric perception of the divine find a home inside metamodern...

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Listening as Healing

Listening as Healing

If we let our imagination run free, what kind of a future do we see 25 years from now? What does the world look like? Does humanity fulfill the aspirations and dreams that inspire the current generation of searchers and activists striving to create a brighter future?...

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