One of the challenges of the career or work experience could be called the intention / action gap, or even intention / attention gap: You have an intention to do something important, but you don’t follow through. It might be a lack of energy, mental bandwidth, or focus and motivation.
An effective strategy or bridge over the gap is to ensure that in your mind you’re not working just for the company or the client or whatever situation you’re in; there is always something else, something bigger, that you’re working for in yourself. While the company is using your brilliance and creativity to serve its purpose, you're working and using the opportunities the company provides you to develop and unlock your creativity, with reciprocal benefit.
Join us as Aviv Shahar and Ariel Levari explore the struggles of the new workplace in an evolving world, with an eye to finding joy in the processes and challenges therein.
It's interesting, though, because you always have to be aware of how likely it is that you are going to go into a new environment and have that environment change you. I think in this sense it isn't the company's goal at the end of the day for you to be a self-realized, self-actualized person. So there are a lot of forces that can, if you're not careful, make you feel like you have a bit of amnesia.