To a Portals of Perception Virtual Event on Saturday, November 4th, 12:00noon - 1:30pm EDT
There is so much to unpack in the Current Openings' conversations between Aviv Shahar and David Price Francis that we, at Portals, are always looking for ways to deepen our engagement with the ideas, the perceptions, and the practices that are revealed in these dialogues. The concepts are amazing, yet we want to take it from ideas to a place of knowing and conscious application - enabling an inner shift to a more natural state of being.
The Open Circle is an ongoing gathering, hosted by members of the Portals community; these are relaxed, participative kitchen-table conversations that enable us to open and dive into specific aspects from the Current Openings journey. The Open Circle will provide a space to exchange and experience how these concepts relate to us, in our lives.
The Open Circle:
Saturday November 4th, 12pm EDT
We all have dreams, and hopes, and wishes for our imagined future – where we picture ourselves somewhere down the road of life. And our dreams and hopes and wishes can be powerful motivating forces in our lives – yet those words describe things that exist only in our minds, only in our thoughts – they live in the realm of ideas.
How do we move ideas from the realms of the possible into manifestation in our personal life and the life of any pursuit we undertake: career, family, community, or spiritual path? It appears the same principles apply to all: the cycle of life moves from potential to actualization; from intention to realization; from learning to application. What is learning? Without application, it's an incomplete journey.
In the next Open Circle gathering we will explore this profound territory that can show us the principles behind what it means to “complete the journey”, with practical ways to deepen our living practice and bring greater meaning and fulfillment to all that we do. This conversation is drawn from Current Openings #11: The Application Conundrum.
Join us on Saturday, November 4th, 12 noon EDT for “I Do, Therefore I Am: From Learning to Living Practice.
Save the date! This event is Free and open to all. We will keep you informed as the details evolve. As always, we are grateful for your interest and support and thank you for being a part of the Portals community.
Come join the discovery.
Portals of Perception is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organization