What is Healing? Series

What is the nature of the healing process? How do we become agents of healing? What ways and practices can help liberate latent healing powers in all of us? 

Amidst cultural and environmental upheaval, there are natural and regenerative paths to ease anxiety, pain, and a sense of separation, and find healing — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. In this series we explore these inquiries and the path into wholeness and healing.

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Aviv Shahar

Alexander Love

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Recent Episodes

Listening as Healing

Listening as Healing

If we let our imagination run free, what kind of a future do we see 25 years from now? What does the world look like? Does humanity fulfill the aspirations and dreams that inspire the current generation of searchers and activists striving to create a brighter future?...

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The Goddess Arising

The Goddess Arising

What would the divine feminine or Goddess nature want to ask or expect of a man today? If you were a man representing the divine masculine, and had the chance, what would you want to ask or say to a woman at this moment? Can we even imagine ourselves and each other as...

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