Here we’re exploring the pathways to increasing joy, meaning and belonging with blog author Tim Coats as he describes four basic principles involved in the creation of a life well-lived: balance, awareness, practice, and wisdom.
How do we find a discipline between body and mind that can open up our being to the spirit that is all around us - bringing life energies into balance? How can we cultivate the skill of awareness, throughout our life, and how does that invite a greater wisdom?
When we are fully present in our lives, wisdom bubbles up like an artesian force. Wisdom of course is different from knowledge, wisdom being the insight gained from our deep connections to ourselves and to life.
When we’re engaged and connected with life, to think something is to cause it to be; to feel something is to manifest it, because we are joined to something bigger and greater than ourselves.
Wisdom is all about connections. Jimi Hendrix supposedly said knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. And I think when you're present, that's what you're doing - you're listening - and wisdom emerges from that listening.