Leading Into Emergence, Part One: Unity and Diversity
Aviv Shahar with Fionn Wright
We’re continuing our conversations with next-generation leaders emerging across all fields of culture and human endeavor by exploring leadership as a personal journey. Fionn Wright brings a unique perspective on humanity and entrepreneurship.
Leading Into Emergence, Part Two: Unleashing Natural Expression
Aviv Shahar with Fionn Wright
We’re expanding the 20th-century debate about leadership beyond “nature vs. nurture” to include the growing awareness of the emergent in human endeavor.
Leading Into Emergence, Part Three: A Distributed Process
Aviv Shahar with Fionn Wright
We find life has an emergent property that enables us to shape together with others, as leadership becomes a distributed, co-creative process.
Leading Into Emergence, Part Four: Manifesting
Aviv Shahar with Fionn Wright
When we create new conversations from which we can source new awareness, and consciousness, real transformation of culture and society can begin to emerge.