The word “chivalry” may bring to mind scenes of medieval knights living to a code of behavior based on virtue, honor and courage. But what was chivalry at its core? How is it different, or separate, from the romantic legends that developed about it later?
People throughout the ages, from East to West and throughout many cultures, have felt drawn and attracted to chivalrous ideas and values and virtues. Are these just old, outdated, romantic kinds of ideas? Or do they have some validity in a postmodern, cynical, polarized world?
We explore these questions with a diverse group of individuals who find themselves drawn to this research, to this work, and to this inquiry.
I think respect and decent behavior are hardwired in humans, and the opposite has to be learned…The protection of the vulnerable and the giving of a voice to the people who have no voice, I think that's part of chivalry and something that is needed in the world, and it really cries out for it.”