We’re in a conversation about the emerging possibilities in this time of global change and transformation. One of the powerful perceptions arising is the type of new world that becomes possible as the outdated consciousness best represented by the industrial revolution loses its grip on humanity.
We can see the industrial revolution as a power that is characterized by efficiency, effectiveness and speed, a consciousness that also helped shape the US public education system. In a way our schools are manufacturing future employees as a main objective. Imagine instead an education system that cultivates a vibrant ecosystem for happy, healthy, fulfilled human beings to thrive and cultivate their curiosities as a foundation for lifelong learning.
This is one aspect of an emerging consciousness that embraces a future co-created with the intelligence of an evolving universe. There's a different operating system and a different way of being and living that comes online when we can follow that impulse.
To me, we've hit the limit of the Industrial Revolution consciousness in the sense of we're trying to go so much faster, but to where? We're now at this point we're just burning through our planet at a rate unprecedented in the history of humanity. So we really are being asked to slow the heck down for a second and go, 'Wait a minute. Where are we trying to get to so fast? And why?'