We’ve been deepening our conversation into what is emerging in this time of evolution and change as a new human model and way of living, a new consciousness, and what it may mean for our individual and collective futures. There is a growing sense this new awareness and breakthrough in perception is global, with people who thought they were alone in their insights connecting and integrating in new networks and communities.
Part of what enables the breaking down of silos and new connections is the open-source nature of new technology. For example, at the Portals project, we freely offer the benefit of explorations on the leading edge, not claiming to know the answers, but wanting to be on that edge of discovery for ourselves, with others.
There is also the deep intuition that new pioneers in different spaces are leading and discovering in their own way, doing great work deep in the trenches of a changing world. If there is a mission and a calling for the Portals project, it’s wanting to be in the place where people can find each other, connect inside a bigger network of possibility, and be enhanced by the capillary action generated in the labor of love of others.
To me, it's really a shift into a celebration that we're all - this universal consciousness - playing the game together. It's not just 'Oh, I have all the answers; I can teach you what you don't already know.' It’s more of us becoming aware of remembering what we've known this whole time. I say that in the sense of finding communities where the leaders are playing the game with you and not claiming to be above it all.