Current Openings #3: The Promissory Grace

Current Openings #3: The Promissory Grace

Video chapters: 00:00 Introduction 6:20 Resisting the urge for an easy answer 18:10 What is the promissory grace of the human situation? 27:05 A journey that is going somewhere 37:30 How do we become more naturalized to being human? 46:10 The logic of the promissory...
The Ring of Valiance

The Ring of Valiance

To watch the full episode, please log in to your account - or consider becoming a Portal One level member. At Portals we seek to offer great content to inquiring minds, and we also want to nourish and grow a thriving community by creating an ecology of practice for...
The Future of Education

The Future of Education

Video chapters: 0:00 Portals exploring the future of Education with Karol Wilczynska and Orla Kelleher 7:03 What brings you joy and energizes you in your work as educators 14:08 The industrialized approach and the shift enabling students to become leaders 21:38 What...