Portals Into the Soul Event, Chapter 2: The Ghost – A Compensatory Act
You Are Invited To a Portals of Perception Virtual Event on Saturday, June 1st, 11:00am - 2:00pm EDT Portals Into the Soul Event Chapter 2: The Ghost - A Compensatory Act In chapter one we introduced the story of the soul showing up as part of a new life on the...
Portals Into the Soul Event, Chapter 1 – A Threefold Orchestration
You Are Invited To a Portals of Perception Virtual Event on Saturday, March 23, 11:00am - 1:30pm EDT Portals Into the Soul Event, Chapter 1 - A Threefold Orchestration In Chapter 1 of Portals Into the Soul, Aviv Shahar asks: What is the soul? What does it do? In this...
I Do Therefore I Am: From Learning to Living Practice
You Are Invited To a Portals of Perception Virtual Event on Saturday, November 4th, 12:00noon - 1:30pm EDT The Open Circle There is so much to unpack in the Current Openings' conversations between Aviv Shahar and David Price Francis that we, at Portals, are always...