In this special conversation with Israeli author Yair Assulin we are exploring the idea of human consciousness as living in the subjective story we each tell ourselves about our reality. At a time of significant global change there is a compelling need to create new stories that will shape an emerging new consciousness.
We can see the urge to create new stories in the inspiration of the pioneers and entrepreneurs who have shaped an emerging new reality through the technology revolution. What is the mindset or world- and self-view that can empower a person to take on the challenge and opportunity of recasting their personal story?
First and foremost, it’s the understanding that we each live inside the story; it's not the world as is. It's a story, and it can change. Our story isn’t just the facts of our current situation: it’s the meaning
we give to our reality and our life that brings strength. People talking to one another, and starting to communicate from their new internal story, can change the world.
When I teach writing I really emphasize this idea that to watch what's happening in the world is not important, what is important in stories is the meaning that we give to what is happening. And I think this is something that we must remember when we try to understand what is going on now: it's not about the world, it's about the way we see the world.