A central plotline in this conversation with Israeli author Yair Assulin can be seen as the fight for freedom… the desire to retain our power as an individual, as the "subject," as we create a new subjective story of our reality and how we live our life.
Reaching out from our own stories to communicate and share our thoughts with one another brings the realization that the conversation, the bridging between two stories, can change the world. The power is shifting from ideology and knowing the answers to asking questions and creating the space for dialogue and a new reality to appear.
Understanding that we live inside our own story, and the people around us live inside their story, and that we’re continually in conversation, can transform the moment when one story meets
another story into a spiritual experience. It’s each person creating a story that can connect minds and hearts and create a new consciousness.
What the technology can't replace is our ability to create stories. I mean, if you would ask me to define the essence of a human being, it is the power to create stories. And, when we understand that, we can understand all the trends that are happening now that really curate what it means to be a human being.