Haven't we all had the experience of repeating a word over and over again until it suddenly loses all meaning? Sometimes we don't even recognize its spelling any more.
This example is an extreme version of an ongoing relationship we have with the words we use, as individuals and as a culture: we either potentize them with our passion and attention, or we exhaust their energy through casual overuse.
This pattern is accelerating in these times of change. As individuals we move on quickly and need to find new ways to articulate what we are experiencing. And, as a culture, a Tweet can be heard around the world in an instant, causing a ripple effect.
Follow along with Jeff Vander Clute and Aviv Shahar as they navigate these shifting territories in this first installment of a multipart series.
And this morning I noticed, because I calibrate language very precisely, I noticed that the words were no longer holding their meanings, they were no longer holding the calibrations. And I know that in the last few weeks, especially, I've been shifting a lot in terms of further clarity, further awakening even. And so everything is new.