The Human Assembly Quest
The Human Assembly Quest

Aviv Shahar with Kate Weiss, Alan Litchfield, Karol Wilczynska,  Kyriaki Nikandrou, Gary Baker, Elette Wheeler and Pauline Pescini

December 21, 2023

Imagine yourself as a new Michelangelo, with the creative power to shape and reveal exactly who you want to be in life; to chisel away the hard edges and sharp corners that often hide or mute your more luminous universal nature. The art critics of his day said Michelangelo could “summon the living from stone". We can do the same.

Okay; it’s a little different. We’re physically not a block of marble. We do have a finer energetic or essence life that is developed and shaped by our choices; by the qualities, knowledge and deeper connections we decide are important to our life’s mission and purpose. It’s an inner assembly that in time reveals the “us” we have decided to become.

We may decide to fashion an inner assembly that also can become a platform, a welcoming home, for the new evolutionary energy now emerging throughout the human experience. An assembly transformed by the greater human possibility being liberated with the activation of Homo Universalis, the universal human.

In this conversation, Aviv Shahar is joined by a group of international Portals friends from Australia and New Zealand to explore the meaning and potential of the human assembly quest. Among their insights:

  • The prospect is to fashion the human assembly on behalf of being ourselves, dissolving the personal to become the archetypal human that we are, inspiring human possibility in people around us.
  • We can represent in the small pragmatic moments of everyday life the assembly and character formation created from choices and decisions we make as a human, in the complexities of modern life.
  • Fashioning the character to engage with the day-to-day machinations of this post-modern world requires the intensity equal to the development of the high lamas in ancient religious traditions.
  • “Be the change you want to see in the world". We build what we want to embody, and that causes a change from the bottom up and the inside out, rather than waiting for somebody to legislate change.
  • Bridging the gap between the internal and external life is like the old saying, a definition of happiness is when what you think, what you feel, and what you do are in harmony.

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Consider the prospect of human development in the context of the crises we see everywhere on so many different levels. We're not going to be able to solve the big problems on the planet if we can't as human beings operate at a higher level of maturation. One dimension of maturing is being prepared to assemble ourselves as a cosmology of capabilities, capacities and qualities. 

Aviv Shahar

Alan Litchfield

Alan Litchfield

Being born with an intense curiosity about the world and at the same time confused by contradictions and unexplained patterns in society has led to a restless life of seeking and searching, penetrating into the purposes and reasons of existence throughout material and subtle worlds. As Director of the Service and Cloud Computing Research Lab at the Auckland University of Technology, much of that is presently focused on research into novel and new technologies and how they might mediate the empowerment of individuals. Also, this is expressed through the philosophy of science and the philosophy of technology in which there are enduring questions about the relationship between what people have expressed of themselves and created, what they thought would be the outcomes, what we all have to show for it, and what are the opportunities for betterment.

Also, being born of Māori (Ngāti Whatua, Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi, Tainui) descent provides approaches and constructs that differ from the typically accepted western world view. This includes how a person relates to their environment, family, their past, present, and future, and the interrelationships that exist through all levels of self.

Karol Wilczynska

Karol Wilczynska

Before she was drawn to share her experiences with tertiary students in 1995, Karol Wilczynska occupied roles in the design and publishing industry for 15 years, working through book and magazine design roles and specializing in medical publications. On reflection, Karol says that while teaching offers pathways for others to see how they may be effective, that the course of her life has led to the realization that being able to help others create a better future for themselves, and the world around them, has transferred back onto her. As a university Senior Lecturer, leadership roles have provided opportunities for her learned skills to be applied successfully in innovative curriculum design by creating effective teaching methods. Karol encourages her students to think differently, to experiment in new ways, and attempt to be creative laterally. That in design, the process of learning is an exploration into what is possible.

Kyriaki Nikandrou

Kyriaki Nikandrou

When I was a child, staring at the starry night skies, I was filled with awe and wonder, about the mysteries of the Universe, Life, Time, the Human and its place in the Cosmos, trying to connect the dots that link everything with everything… Some years down the line, I still do. I am seeking to be in conversation with others in search for keys, for tools of understanding and application and for the real questions, the ones that become portals to contemplative journeys, leading to uncharted territories that feel like home. I believe we are on a trajectory of multiple and unpredictable changes; it is up to each one of us to rise to the challenge of our times. Now, more than ever before, is the time to be true to ourselves and fulfill our potential.

Elette Wheeler

Elette Wheeler

My grandfather, bless him, came with me to ask the local minister a few questions. We learnt that he didn’t know either.

Drawing was my way to know things from the inside out, which lead to painting and freelance illustrating.

My art education was broadened by wonderful students and colleagues over 3 decades of teaching.

The art of living and human purpose was discovered along a parallel path, with like-minded, travelling companions.

These days, art, life and farming merge. I rediscovered my love of drawing and delight in writing for children. One current, persistent question begs, "what codings do children need for their future flowering?"

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv serves as the Portals' sherpa. He curates transformational journeys and is a storyteller of the epochal evolution culminating at this time.

Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

Visit: Aviv Consulting

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