I think today we are just sensing a bit of that: encouraging in each other and with the people we get to work with, and live with, that sense that the human is a never-ending unrealized potential of new permutations, connections, and possibilities.
And if a bit of that conversation is rubbing off on you, and you're inspired to discover that, please do share with us, here at Portals of Perception, your thoughts, and your inquiries, and inspirations. We want to expand the conversation as all of us are in the inquiry of: what does it mean to become human through these times of change?
In this series, Aviv Shahar and a global group of "weavers" with varied academic, professional and life backgrounds, bring together the hidden threads and themes behind new possibilities emerging across all aspects of human experience.
So maybe the 21st century is a similar time [to the Renaissance], that maybe influences are coming from the East and the West and the North and the South, and in and out and up and down, from the laymen and the scholars, from one average person to another average person. Maybe these influences can now create something that is more - today, new - the next opening of civilization...