The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 3. A New Whole
The Human as a Weaver of Part to Part: 3. A New Whole

Aviv Shahar with Theodora Papanastasatou, Dr. Alan Litchfield, Dina Richardson, Elizabeth Lyell, Robin Charlton, and Kyriaki Nikandrou

September 22, 2021
a new whole

Once we are able to perceive something, we seem then able to merge that perception, in nearly unlimited ways, with all our previous perceptions - and, in that process, something new emerges. If we have a particular passion for a subject or territory, we can follow those perceptions and processes for decades of our life, delving deeper into the potency and meaning of what we are doing.

Part of the magic of this is that we have many separate lives within us, each of which can experience and view what we are involved in in different ways. So we have many interior voices that are contributing to the creative recipe, whether we are bringing these inner workings together on something simple like matching similar stones, or if we're applying it to the artistic creation of our life itself. Each integration forms a new whole.

In this series, Aviv Shahar and a global group of "weavers" with varied academic, professional and life backgrounds, bring together the hidden threads and themes behind new possibilities emerging across all aspects of human experience.

Things move from: what do you want to feel? To: what do you want to say? That's also a journey. I think it might be one of the reasons we weave different elements together, because we're looking for different spices, flavors, tools, to be able to say what we want to say.

Dina Richardson

Dr. Alan Litchfield

Dr. Alan Litchfield

Being born with an intense curiosity about the world and at the same time confused by contradictions and unexplained patterns in society has led to a restless life of seeking and searching, penetrating into the purposes and reasons of existence throughout material and subtle worlds.

Also, this is expressed through the philosophy of science and the philosophy of technology in which there are enduring questions about the relationship between what people have expressed of themselves and created, what they thought would be the outcomes, what we all have to show for it, and what are the opportunities for betterment.

Elizabeth Lyell

Elizabeth Lyell

Early on, I wondered what I was doing here, in a body on a planet! It seemed good, yet strange. While I enjoyed people, I was particularly fascinated by the animals, all the way from the tiny (ladybugs) to the large (elephants). I longed to be able to converse with them. My (ingenious) efforts toward making this happen were probably my first spiritually oriented forays!

Since then, I’ve worked with humans in different capacities (teaching philosophy, and now in working as a counselor). I’ve learned a lot about the mind and the heart. I now know that while good reasoning is essential, the heart has its reasons, which reason does not know (Blaise Pascal)! Life’s mysteries still fascinate and astound me… while I continue to ask, why are we here?!

Kyriaki Nikandrou

Kyriaki Nikandrou

When I was a child, staring at the starry night skies, I was filled with awe and wonder, about the mysteries of the Universe, Life, Time, the Human and its place in the Cosmos, trying to connect the dots that link everything with everything…

Some years down the line, I still do. I am seeking to be in conversation with others in search for keys, for tools of understanding and application and for the real questions, the ones that become portals to contemplative journeys, leading to uncharted territories that feel like home.

I believe we are on a trajectory of multiple and unpredictable changes; it is up to each one of us to rise to the challenge of our times. Now, more than ever before, is the time to be true to ourselves and fulfill our potential.

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

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