There are many ways, many practices, which allow us to encourage and instill hope in our families, friends, and the people we may meet every day. The more ways we can find to offer hope and encouragement, the better. We live in a cynical world which often makes people feel weak and lesser than who they are, a world that diminishes self-esteem. It works by distancing us from who we are and instilling in us the need to crave something we don’t need to crave.
An example of a practice I often use, maybe with a senior executive or even a child, is to encourage that person by giving them back their best, giving them back their core essence. Sometimes in a word, sometimes in a gesture; sometimes actually formulating a language and observation in a way that
perhaps has never been seen before. We become the people we become through the recognition, and the grace, and the help of others.
This conversation is a weave of experiences from teachers, parents, and people who were touched and who touched others in moments where all that was needed was a little bit of help, with encouragement and hope, and how central these qualities are in our lives.
Never give up on somebody. I believe the effort of not giving up is what we all need. I don’t want somebody to give up on me. I don’t want to give up on my family. If that gets into the world, with whatever comes after, it’s important for that to live in you.