The Human as a Fountain of Encouragement and Hope, Part 3
The Human as a Fountain of Encouragement and Hope, Part 3

Aviv Shahar with Lisa Marcus, Trevor Winn, Perry Martin, Miriam Abrahamson, Karen Heney, and George Goumas

July 22, 2021
encouraging others

Hope and encouragement have the power to help us navigate and transform the ups and downs of living and overcome challenges, overcome setbacks, even overcome tragedy… to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

Encouragement offered from one human to another can be an influx of energy that thaws and melts what may have been frozen in us from an early life trauma or challenge…a liberation from the limitations of diminished self-esteem and self-worth. For young life in particular the offering of encouragement can become a point of growth and development.

What we call humanity is the chain of connections, the network that we are, that allows the continual transfer of help, encouragement and hope that lifts up each one of us.


This conversation is a weave of experiences from teachers, parents, and people who were touched and who touched others in moments where all that was needed was a little bit of help, with encouragement and hope, and how central these qualities are in our lives.

There is such a sweetness in the feeling of being able to provide the energy of encouragement because there’s nothing personal in this. You’re doing it for another person’s life. You give it gratefully to another life to continue his or her journey. This somehow strikes a chord inside me. The moment that happens, you can have a smile and say: Okay. All is well done now. I can go on my own journey as well.

George Gkoumas

Miriam Abrahamson

Miriam Abrahamson

Education, art and music have always intrigued me, all leading to and stemming from the great wonder and burning need to find out what being human portends, what I could do and who I could be, what felt right and what felt wrong. I was aware yet didn't know how to articulate the strong dissonances that life around me seemed to be so full of.

There was so much beauty and softness yet so much cruelty and pain.

Since then, I am still researching this unique gift of being human, working towards establishing life- aligned- education for children, and for all…

I believe that within the search of what our human existence is about, are the answers to how we should best proceed in these times of great possibility sided by the breakdown and crisis that we are experiencing all over the world.

Trevor Winn

Trevor Winn

It’s the seemingly simple experiences of life that had the most impact when very young, like lying on the green hills looking at the white clouds, being with the snow in winter, feeling the cold, sitting by the fireplace, being with the wonder of night, walking, the warmth of others, and then later on, the thrill of travel and the curiosity that motivated me to live and work in various countries.

And now it is to feel useful, to share experience, to have good conversation, to explore what provides life and how that works, my relationship and partnership with myself, the planet, and beyond, being in the quest of being in the place that enables truths to be perceived, connections to be made, remaining open to the requirements of these times in which for me, attitude and sentiment are core elements.

Lisa Marcus

Lisa Marcus

At home, we were always encouraged to ask the more enigmatic questions of life. Why am I here? Where did I come from? Where will I go at the end of my life? And the biggest question of all, What is my part to play in the great canvas of life?

Enchanted by the many different cultures and peoples from around the world, during my youth I traveled through my trusty Encyclopedia Britannica. Then came the wondrous day that I was able to travel by airplane. Committed to being a "Champion of Warmth," I continue my travels and interactions with others from all around the world, as together we create a "bouquet of humanity;" one that connects and offers companionship as we step into the future.

Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

Karen Heney

Karen Heney

From an early age there has been a compelling search for truths, those realities that didn’t have a fixing or a closed door. The quest for meaning, sometimes quiet, other times reaching and finding pathways, has always accompanied me. The awareness that all life is caused to exist for an inherent purpose, one that allows for the possibility of furtherance and refinement, has prompted both perceptions and questions. These concern the purpose of human life, its integration within greater domains and what I personally may need to discover in order to play my part.

Creativity has always been integral, with an endeavour to create visual interpretations of concepts as practical activities. The intention behind a current project is to broaden the paths of relevance and meaning for others to access and explore.

George Goumas

George Goumas

Many days, early in the morning, I am awake to see the dawn, to feel the vibration of nature as everything becomes alive. I close my eyes for a moment and let the energy join the life inside me. It is a declaration of continuance of a journey with peaks and valleys, passion, and wisdom.

Being a parent, having real friends, searching through psychology, behavioral sciences, exploring sacred body movements, trying to unlock creative dynamics in every impediment helped me craft my way.

Today, I know what I don't want to have, to do, to be. Promising myself to be diligent, agile, buoyant, and keen to discover the flow of reasonings that will lead me to join a universal consciousness.

Waiting for people of kind to enrich our collective intelligence with their talent and uniqueness.

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