Hope and encouragement have the power to help us navigate and transform the ups and downs of living and overcome challenges, overcome setbacks, even overcome tragedy… to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
Encouragement offered from one human to another can be an influx of energy that thaws and melts what may have been frozen in us from an early life trauma or challenge…a liberation from the limitations of diminished self-esteem and self-worth. For young life in particular the offering of encouragement can become a point of growth and development.
What we call humanity is the chain of connections, the network that we are, that allows the continual transfer of help, encouragement and hope that lifts up each one of us.
This conversation is a weave of experiences from teachers, parents, and people who were touched and who touched others in moments where all that was needed was a little bit of help, with encouragement and hope, and how central these qualities are in our lives.
There is such a sweetness in the feeling of being able to provide the energy of encouragement because there’s nothing personal in this. You’re doing it for another person’s life. You give it gratefully to another life to continue his or her journey. This somehow strikes a chord inside me. The moment that happens, you can have a smile and say: Okay. All is well done now. I can go on my own journey as well.