Why is hope so important in the lives of every human? The need for hope and encouragement starts at an early age; everything about us in our early lives depends upon encouragement. It’s the capacity to learn something new, to do something we have never done before. To wake up to a new day and be present means to have hope.
Hope and encouragement can open our minds and our hearts to a bigger picture of life, a world of possibilities. It’s a sense of being called to be part of the chain of life and the bridge from what is to what can be. Hope offers a can-do conductive power that unlocks action and change for each of us individually and for humanity as a whole.
This conversation is a weave of experiences from teachers, parents, and people who were touched and who touched others in moments where all that was needed was a little bit of help, with encouragement and hope, and how central these qualities are in our lives.
I have to mention the word forgiveness because forgiveness is a big part of hope. And, as we know, forgiveness begins in oneself. This is all tied up into hope, encouragement, and the most important thing I think anyone can do for anyone is to believe in them, to believe in their life, to believe in the value of that life, and to encourage that life to fulfill its possibility and its promise.