- 00:00 Introduction
- 5:25 It’s not one big revelation…it’s ongoing
- 15:34 How did the Blue influence transform humanity?
- 37:14 Why is the Blue modern way of life breaking down?
- 48:03 Can the universal human reclaim the capacity for revelation?
- 55:27 Is there a way to liberate again the aspirations of humanity?
Even if we’re familiar with the themes of evolutionary change and upgrade that run through Portals, what’s happening in the world today seems startling: the operating system that enables modern life as we know it appears to be crashing.
The key questions now: Is this an irreversible slide into self-elimination? Does evolution ever offer a chance for reboot and renewal? If so, how would we spot new universal intelligence nudging its way into humanity?
Our understanding of the “operating system” comes out of the Portals exploration of the progression of human and planetary history as part of the current epoch, or larger universal cycle of change and upgrade. What we call the “Blue” phase of the epoch (which corresponds to the seven colors of the spectrum) brought to humanity the energy and intelligence for collaboration and working together.
It was the power of cooperation that allowed the building of cities, political and economic systems, and the civility that enables the orderly and peaceful flow of everyday life in all its many nuances. The multiple crises of ecology and culture that are transforming the planet today suggest the modern Blue system is no longer sufficient in the face of an Indigo and Violet intensification. We see the evidence in the eruption of wars, environmental destruction and political chaos.
How did we get here? What happens next? As we discover in the latest Homo Universalis conversation, even with a failing operating system, the evolutionary process offers the opportunity for renewal and regeneration. Aviv Shahar, Karen Heney and Kyriaki Nikandrou share their ideas and insights, including:
- The Blue system used materialistic science to shift power away from inner creative realms to bureaucracies by harnessing humanity’s arrogant conviction in its intellectual superiority.
- The experience of modern life centers around a commercial appreciation of humanity, the weight of bureaucracy, and the media. These brought convenience at first but are now breaking down because of how the system has been captured.
- The Universalis influence is emerging globally in many communities, inspiring a new way of solving local problems with local resources, to liberate again the aspirations of people.
- An emerging operating system will need to enable working together: science and the sacred; the mind and intuition and feelings; true integration — not walls of separation, but bridges of connection.
- To solve wicked global problems we need more coordinated action at a time of shrinking capacity to cooperate. Are there early signs globally of renewal and re-engaging with the future?
- The Universalis project is an invitation to reclaim, re-enchant, and re-tether inner human capacity as a source of revelation not limited by the external machinery of learning and knowledge.
This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
We believe there is emerging globally with many communities, in many countries, a foundation for a new way of solving local problems through local governments, through locally-sourced economic models, to liberate again the aspirations of people.