We are operating in a time where the biggest challenge for each and every one of us is space because we get so - what I mean by space, not just physical space, although physical is important, mental space, psychological space, energetic space, spiritual space, and all other dimensions of space you can consider. Because if you are to grow as you grow physically, you actually expand into the physical universe.
When you grow energetically and spiritually, you're actually expanding into the greater space around you as well. But this time, it's not you pushing space, it's you connecting with potential that's available in space. How do we do that? How do we facilitate that process?
What about a collective creating that kind of a witnessing presence that encourages a spirit, a person, a man, a lady, to step into their frontier of emergence, to discover the expression that's emergent in them in the moment, and to speak to that? To speak as they are spoken to in themselves in the moment, and to welcome that as a draft, rather than as a final product.