The Goddess Arising
The Goddess Arising

Aviv Shahar with Antonia Louise, Mariah Rose McKay, Layman Pascal and Brendan Graham Dempsey

October 31, 2024

What would the divine feminine or Goddess nature want to ask or expect of a man today? If you were a man representing the divine masculine, and had the chance, what would you want to ask or say to a woman at this moment? Can we even imagine ourselves and each other as different expressions of a divine source, more than merely a personality?

These were among the inquiries that helped inspire a profound exploration of the divine feminine and the Goddess archetype at this Fall’s Metamodern Spirituality Lab. To learn more, Portals brought together Aviv Shahar and Lab organizers and metamodern leaders Layman Pascal and Brendan Graham Dempsey, along with participants Mariah Rose McKay and Antonia Louise.

This is the newest conversation in the Portals series exploring metamodern spirituality.

A central theme for this special collaboration of women and men was exploring the role of the Goddess, the feminine, in metamodern spirituality: an embrace, rather than historical denial, of the feminine presence at the heart of the human’s universal nature. The Lab itself was a space where gatherings and rituals supported a freer expression of the divine feminine and masculine influences in both women and men.

The openness allowed for the emergence of many facets of the Goddess nature: maternal, warrior, healing, wisdom. For many participants it produced a trust and chance for intimacy that in turn generated a deep sense of healing and release of ancient tensions between the genders.

Other Lab insights include:

  • It’s the importance of community; we cannot do this alone. It’s the practical elements, but also the deep and intimate bonds we form, and the healing power of deep relationships.
  • There is the long-wave dimension and nature of this work: we need to include the generational transmission; a project of the next 100 years.
  • When the god and goddess are prepared to embrace each other, inside each of us, a birthing process occurs; those two configurations merge into a third nature that liberates a new future.
  • We don't know the ripple effects of how our hearts and consciousness can affect the world when we change our relationship to the goddess.
  • This quality of intimacy and way of being with each other, where people are held in a place where they can begin a sentence without knowing how they will end it, takes time to build.
  • We honor the broad spectrum of ways women show up from a “masculine” stance, and men from a “feminine” stance; these are potent and helpful ways of looking at the world and ourselves.

This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

It's building a new culture, a new way of being, in the very broken world we live in today. With that history of brokenness, we have that kind of muck that we can alchemize into gold. I think that is what the goddess is summoning us for; inviting us to be bold in walking with her and realizing her in new ways into the future.
Brendan Graham Dempsey

Antonia Louise

Antonia Louise

Antonia embodies a dynamic way of being which incorporates her service as a Practitioner of the Healing Arts - a Coach, Medical Intuitive, Neuromuscular Therapist, Bodyworker, Energy Healer, Animal Communicator and Plant Communicator. She appreciates deepening her Spirituality through the Diamond Approach Path and her own Spiritual Practices. She loves to learn about almost anything, but mainly Psychology, Philosophy and Spirituality. Meaningful connection with others is a cornerstone in her life. A native of the Northeast, you can find her in the Greater Boston Area and online.


Mariah Rose McKay

Mariah Rose McKay

Mariah Rose McKay is a serial social entrepreneur, community founder and spiritual student from Spokane, Washington in Cascadia’s Inland Northwest. She is a Cofounder of Haystack Heights Cohousing, co-owns a coliving rental company called Our Natural Homes, and has served on the board of regional public development authorities. She has founded several local civics and arts organizations, and most recently served as the Founder and Executive Director of the Spokane Independent Metro Business Alliance. Having organized people in fields from politics to public health to economics and housing, she is now developing an independent consulting practice focused on cultivating community resilience and awakening. Her frank and practical personal voice can be read making abstract philosophy more tangible.



Layman Pascal

Layman Pascal

Layman is a feral philosopher in Northern Ontario who is known for his work on the Metaphysics of Adjacency, the Integration Surplus Model & Planetary Shamanism. In the philosophical space around Integral Theory, he has developed the Coaxial Stages model, elaborated the dynamics of Metaprogressive Politics and foregrounded the ethical, relational, ecological and subconscious features of multidimensional developmental theories. He is the host of The Integral Stage podcast, senior teacher at the Metamodern Spirituality Retreats, co-editor of Perspectiva’s series Dispatches From a Time Between Worlds, co-chair of the Foundation for Integral Religion and Spirituality. He used to be a committed yoga and meditation instructor but he’s feeling much better now.

Visit: The Integral Stage

Brendan Graham Dempsey

Brendan Graham Dempsey

Brendan Graham Dempsey explores the period after postmodernism, with a focus on creatively answering the meaning crisis of contemporary society. His videos examine the new metamodern period currently emerging, which integrates post-postmodern insights from cultural and political metamodernism, integral theory, GameB, and from other intellectual and activist communities.



Aviv Shahar

Aviv Shahar

Aviv serves as the Portals' sherpa. He curates transformational journeys and is a storyteller of the epochal evolution culminating at this time.

Aviv is the Founder of Aviv Consulting, helping leaders unleash strategic innovation, and is the author of Create New Futures: How Leaders Produce Breakthroughs and Transform the World Through Conversation.

Visit: Aviv Consulting

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