In this conversation we’re beginning to think about humanity as a collective body or organism with a unified, integrated consciousness. Inside this shared consciousness is a new willingness to let go of our need to identify with ideologies or philosophies that see each person as separate and isolated from the whole.
Also emerging is a growing sense that humanity is part of a greater purpose or higher intelligence that is making its presence known with increasing insistence. Imagine that humanity has a role to play – an assignment – in the ongoing evolution and appearance of universal life. What part are humans meant to play? Or the planet?
Considering the human’s amazing capacities to learn, grow, create and connect, it’s not so difficult to imagine this planet and humanity as the source – a nursery, in a way – of intelligent and responsive life destined for greater service elsewhere in an expanding universe. We can think about this new perception in any dimension; as metaphor, as metaphysical, or as the literal truth of a universal influence shaping the manifest realms of our planet. This isn’t a dogmatic view of a new fixed structure or process, but a different way of understanding the growth and progression of human life on this beautiful planet.
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In the case of why human life appears in this planetary realm, if you choose to go along with a metaphoric story, we're not just here to enjoy, although that is a great and wonderful part of the journey that we actually get to enjoy in our lives. We actually also get to participate in the experiment and the development and the conscious testimony of the product of our lives, in the way we individually experience it, and in the way that is proferred in the collective experience.