In every phase of our life, at any age, in any endeavor, one of the most compelling urges and comforting feelings we can have as humans is the knowing that we belong; that we are accepted for who we are and what we can become; respected; safe; loved. We all want to belong.
Real belonging transcends the physical; it’s more than being physically close and familiar, even with our family. Belonging is a depth of connection that transforms us as we feel and know we are upheld and supported by something greater, the same intelligence and energy that powers the universe.
The strength of shared belonging with our family, friends and community can dissolve barriers built over a lifetime that prevent the emergence of our authentic selves in an ecology of mutual trust, acceptance without judgment, compassion, and care. A space that enables the natural healing power of love.
What is true belonging? In this special conversation, Aviv Shahar connects with a group of Portals friends — coaches, therapists, consultants, facilitators — who helped co-create Constructing Consciousness, a recent Sedona, Arizona event that attracted global participants.
The event profoundly affected the participants; it became a living embodiment of the power, beauty, and healing at the heart of belonging. Among the friends’ perceptions and feelings:
We intentionally created a space that would be open and unstructured to be filled not by planned programs, but by the wisdom and beauty emerging through the participants.
We can feel belonging in a group or family or tribe, but also in nature — that much larger sense of belonging heals in us that which feels not seen, or alone.
We as human beings do belong — to ourselves as integrated beings; to each other in shared potential; and to something higher in a larger purpose and reason.
We call it radical self-responsibility: balancing the polarity of keeping an open space, being flexible, and also being committed to showing up.
We can't have emergence unless we have those opportunities to be malleable, to allow the disharmony; it’s reframed and comes back together in a higher order.
The bounty of the event arises out of the natural orientation towards emergence and a sense of things occurring beyond our making and being held by something larger.
There's a kind of wholeness in which we can somehow understand. Everybody can do it; at whatever developmental level they're seeing the world through.
This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
When we move into a group space, and have potentially all these shadows around, you know: Who likes me? What do they think of me? Who's judging me? Should I really be open and vulnerable? As those fall away, there is this pristine, beautiful clean space of, ‘Oh, wow; maybe I can; maybe I can touch into parts of myself that I'm afraid to even alone; that these people will hold me and care for me’. That’s what happened for me; I was held by this greater collective.