- 0:00 Discovering how to design and lead transformational experiences
- 9:23 The Robert Peary North Pole strategy and the Olympic athlete discipline
- 17:17 A science, an art, and a way of being
- 22:50 The “why” and the facilitation of human liberation sentiment
- 25:46 What are the core insights in facilitating development
- 31:02 Getting retethered to your essence versus reacting to outage
- 36:46 The content in the foreground and the emergent discovery
- 45:31 Servant leadership for collective transformational processes
- 49:16 How do you celebrate and ritualize the work?

It’s almost like an Olympic athlete who will follow a well-practiced process to prepare themselves to be at peak readiness and peak awareness for that one special performance.
Each of us likely has some form of process we follow to first connect with our inner strengths and inspiration as we set out to create a special space – either internally or on the outside with others – where higher connection, healing and some level of transformation can happen. Being fully present in ourselves with peak awareness when we need to access our best, our full capacity and capability. How do we align ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to be ready to respond in the moment to a greater purpose that might call for our attention and action?
In this conversation, Aviv Shahar and Forrest Wilson explore what can be called process choreography – the ways, attitudes, feelings and preparation needed to design and hold a transformative space where new possibilities and new futures can emerge. It’s understanding the core sentiments, reasons and know-how to liberate the evolutionary process in ourselves, our communities, and humanity.
Hear Forrest Wilson's earlier conversation: A New World Emerging
It's a science and an art and also a way of being, in the sense that the more and more we show up in this way in the world professionally, the more the boundaries dissolve and this becomes who we are in life.