In the face of seemingly intractable environmental and cultural calamities besetting the planet, it’s reasonable to wonder if new leadership could make a difference; new ideas, passion, and courage; a vision for a truly transformed and better future.
The best way to find out what emerging leaders might be thinking and sensing is to ask. So Portals brought together an international group of next generation leaders who are actively engaged in their personal and professional lives in imagining and creating a better future for humanity.
There is a deep shared sense of new intelligence and possibility emerging in this time of traumatic change, along with the recognition the world needs a different kind of leadership. Not the continuing echo of past patterns and archetypes — warrior, conqueror, king — that shaped the planet’s current crises. A new mindset and vision that embodies the creative power of foundational, universal love; in a sense, the archetype of the lover.
The ’lover’ leader would have the vision and courage to see love as a raw material in the creation of new institutions, from finance to technology and education, that would form a regenerative ecology that could support human wellbeing and creative possibility. Institutions not designed solely for efficiency and consumption, but for humanity’s greater good.
There were many insights and ponders in the conversation with Aviv Shahar and the next gen leaders, including:
- The media shares the 1% - 2% of things on the planet that are not so great, but we often miss the positive and see the world through fear versus love.
- Leadership is not pushing frontiers further West or East, but to the last unliberated continent, inside the human; we put lights all around the planet but left the inside dark.
- Leadership is integrating impossible paradoxes and polarities; it's leadership from the inside-out that lifts people up.
- Whenever we talk about something new trying to emerge, something also is falling away, which can be painful, but there is ‘clean’ pain, something we stay with in an ongoing way.
- Every time we leave part of ourselves out, and we leave others out, the larger cosmology that is seeking to engage us is frozen out of the possibility of its emergence.
- Leadership integrates the two energies, the masculine and the feminine; I believe strongly one of the most important trends in recent decades has been the integration of feminine leaders.
This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
There's this period of life, after leaving your family of origin before founding our own family, where we're in between. We don't have the same amount of love and nourishment that an original family is supposed to give, our own family is supposed to give. So this new generation of leader is coming up with very smart and beautiful ways to create a kind of chosen family in between. And it's extremely important for leadership.