Portals brought together a group of accomplished musicians from around the world to lead Music: An Exploratory Space, a special event that attracted a diverse gathering of music lovers and the music curious. In a series of experiments with sound and form and frequency, the group began a new discovery of what music can become in the future. What role
Join the explorers as they begin to unlock the magic and mysteries of music. Among their insights:
- You don't need to be a Mozart, an Elvis, or any other popular musician. Each person can play their unique music as distinctive as their fingerprints
- Music is not notes and sounds; it's not only the way we perceive it through our ears. Music comes from something else
- Music is a universal language, and a great place of healing
- It's something so powerful the ancient Greeks put music as one of the five sciences and arts every human should learn as part of the platform of life
- What about the greatest organism of all that we live on, Planet Earth? If animal life and trees and plants are influenced by water and music, maybe the planet itself is influenced by music
- Many approaches to music focus on the outer aspects, like pitch, rhythm, and sounds, which is fun. We’re looking at what's going on inside
- Music moves us in more than just special moments. It can be a conscious medium to facilitate, elevate, and uplift people and humanity in a time of change
- Music can be a conduit of energy and essence that allows a deep connection to the language and soul of a land and country
- What is the inner music within the music? The vibrations that cause something inside, and that can be transferred to another person via the medium we call music
- Imagine a world without music. Painful, isn't it?
The music exploration is one of the special events that, together with our conversations, are part of the ongoing discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. More upcoming special events can be found on the Events page.
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