- 00:00 Introduction
- 1:05 Friendship on the development journey
- 9:45 With friends we don’t need to hide
- 25:54 What are the three main features of friendship?
- 39:07 The magic of old friends
- 53:12 Why do humans need to be recognized?
- 1:11:00 Humanity’s future depends on the collective space of friendship
Isn’t it interesting that arguably the most connected, in touch and in tune generations ever, Gen Z and millennials — generally people born after 1980 — also report in some surveys feeling lonelier, with fewer close friends, than their older siblings or parents?
Even in the digital age of nonstop texts, tweets and saturation social media, technology alone won’t kindle the warmth and depth of real human-to-human bonds. How then in our personal and collective journeys do we sustain the relationships often at the core of our wellbeing and emotional health — our friendships?
Portals brought together a group of our international friends to explore their experience of friendship and its role in the happiness, health, and transformation of a life. They find companionship, acceptance, trust and love, yet also challenge, strength and the desire for us to be our best.
The friends’ conversation with Aviv Shahar reveals the inspiration and transformative power of friendship:
- True friendship is found not in holding each other back, but in setting each other free.
- Friendship comes through a look to caress, to swell up the beautiful things that I see around me and in another person; friendship can heal, soften, inspire and make things lighter and happier.
- Friendship is that immortal recognition and knowledge that I've witnessed you, and you have witnessed me; in that mutual recognition we have something shared that leads beyond time.
- Friends are there whether we’re with them or not; it’s a pact of reciprocal maintenance that allows something to build between people that's greater than either one alone.
- Friendship gathers something together, puts communities together, builds villages, builds camaraderie. It puts people together in a way that magnifies and makes them stronger.
This conversation is part of the continuing Portals discovery into what is emerging on the frontiers of human experience in this time of profound change. Information about upcoming special events can be found on the Events page. Also visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
It's the intimate moments when people come together and can share the depths of themselves with each other. Sometimes it's mind to mind; sometimes it's soul to soul, in the kind of ecology we know to be friendship.
Everybody that's ever experienced what friendship has to offer can recognize it as a sacred space… It's a hint of what the future of humankind is supposed to be. We have this allowance, this release of brilliance, this support of the best of each other, and the prevention of the worst. We share these as our common humanity.